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Swann's Way
Marcel Proust, Lydia Davis
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The Everything Guide to Writing Copy: From Ads and Press Release to On-air and Online Promos: All You Need to Create Copy That Sells! - Steve Slaunwhite

The everything guide to writing copy’ is a good book, covering various aspects of copywriting, like how should one be writing an ideal headline, catching the attention of a prospect and turning him in to a lasting customer, how should one be writing a good body copy, and how should one impress a viewer with a catchy lead paragraph etc… Copy writing has become a demanding job now, and this book could be of some help to polish your copy writing skills.

                   By reading this book I learnt much about concepts like Taglines. Backgrounders, E-zines,Specs, Cross selling etc. If you are in to copywriting this is a must read….